8 tips to have whiter teeth

1. As much as possible, stay away from coffee, soda, and other colored beverages as they stain your teeth.

2. Brush your teeth regularly, at least twice a day. This will keep your teeth looking clean and healthy for that toothpaste commercial

3. Change your toothbrush regularly, a worn-out toothbrush doesn't clean your teeth.

4. Use dental floss, brushing alone doesn't keep those plaque away. There are places in our mouth that cannot be reach by a toothbrush.

5. Whitening products work, but make sure it is approved by your dentist.

6. Go to your dentist twice a year for cleaning and professional check up.

7. Do not smoke or at least smoke moderately, smoking is the fastest way you get yellow teeth.

8. According to experts, raw vegetable and fruits cleans your teeth. They have natural bleaching effect and vitamin C which keeps your teeth healthy.